Bilingualism Might Begin in the Womb
Newborns of moms who spoke more than one language paid attention to both, study foundContinue Reading
Newborns of moms who spoke more than one language paid attention to both, study foundContinue Reading
Most often affecting the upper front teethContinue Reading
Findings suggest link to umbilical cord inflammationContinue Reading
They make depression after pregnancy more likelyContinue Reading
Birth control study found fictional presentation swayed young women more than documentaryContinue Reading
Soft drinks, candy and salty snacks particularly pervasive, study findsContinue Reading
Finding suggests that the effect of vitamin D begins in the womb, expert saysContinue Reading
Smoking, low folic acid, high blood pressure restrict fetal growth, study findsContinue Reading
Reduce the youngster’s risk of illnessContinue Reading
Dad’s age didn’t matter unless father was older, mom much younger, study foundContinue Reading
Eating together, limiting TV and getting enough sleep cut risk of obesity, study findsContinue Reading
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