Kids Need Parents' Help in Managing Type 1 Diabetes
Adherence to treatment declines if adults fail to monitor, study findsContinue Reading
Adherence to treatment declines if adults fail to monitor, study findsContinue Reading
Using drug for up to a year did not affect relapse rate, study foundContinue Reading
Constant chorus of advice might prevent SIDS in more infants, study showsContinue Reading
And the number of women delaying motherhood until their 40s grows, CDC report findsContinue Reading
More than 500,000 a year wind up in ER during major U.S. holidays, researchers findContinue Reading
Computer-assisted intervention benefits high-risk, low-income girls, study findsContinue Reading
Study of Romanian orphans shows that better diet, close attention makes all the differenceContinue Reading
DNA does not make overweight inevitable, new study showsContinue Reading
May lower baby’s risk of obesity later in life, research suggestsContinue Reading
Make sure your little one gets enough sleepContinue Reading
It could also save U.S. $13 billion a year, study findsContinue Reading
Study finds relationships often founder after failed pregnancyContinue Reading
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