Statins May Stave Off Liver Cancer in People With Hepatitis B
Study found lower risk of developing disease for people taking these cholesterol-cutting drugsContinue Reading
Study found lower risk of developing disease for people taking these cholesterol-cutting drugsContinue Reading
Staying on the job 11 hours or more each day doubles the risk for depression, study showsContinue Reading
Missed opportunities lead to many new infections each year, study foundContinue Reading
Hepatitis C, obesity contribute to rising rates, new studies findContinue Reading
Long, painstaking surgery has so far only been done on 18 patients worldwideContinue Reading
Shared blood glucose monitors, finger-stick devices pose infection risk, experts warnContinue Reading
European countries with ‘opt-out’ donation don’t have higher rates, researchers sayContinue Reading
Researchers surprised that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease had no impact on health, longevityContinue Reading
Using patient’s own cells to create custom airway cut risk for transplant rejection, scientists sayContinue Reading
‘Staggered overdoses’ are difficult for doctors to spot, researchers sayContinue Reading
On average, unborn babies are put on the list 18 days before birth, study showsContinue Reading
Researchers say lack of affordable health care is probably a factor for someContinue Reading
Abandoning controversial 6-month ‘dry-out’ period could save lives, researchers sayContinue Reading
But 2003 policy change narrowed gap between black and white patients, research showsContinue Reading
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