Hearing Loss in Elderly May Be Linked to Folate Deficiency
Too little folic acid seems to affect auditory system, study findsContinue Reading
Too little folic acid seems to affect auditory system, study findsContinue Reading
Institute of Medicine experts also say most people are taking in enough calcium dailyContinue Reading
And threats to heart can be seen in children as young as 9, second study saysContinue Reading
Twin study finds variations in summer due to lifestyle, environmentContinue Reading
Anorexia and bulimia showing up more often in boys, minorities, experts reportContinue Reading
Most carry junk food, which ups students’ sugar consumption, study showsContinue Reading
Following tips for buying, storing fish and shellfish can keep your meal safe and deliciousContinue Reading
This Thanksgiving, curb the urge to indulge your overweight pet, experts sayContinue Reading
You may have to limit certain foodsContinue Reading
Study found low-glycemic index foods such as whole-grain breads led to less weight regainContinue Reading
Pack snacks, meds and sanitizing wipes to reduce likelihood of a reaction, expert suggestsContinue Reading
Don’t try to do everything, just do what you can to have a happy ThanksgivingContinue Reading
Antioxidant alpha-carotene seems tied to lowered death risk, researchers findContinue Reading
Products, which are popular with children and young adults, are unsafe, agency saysContinue Reading
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