Food Diary a Great Tool for Losing Weight, Expert Says
Keep it simple, write down everything you eat and share with a nutritionist, he advisesContinue Reading
Urban Wildlife Adopt Not-so-Healthful Human Diet, Study Finds
Processed foods may contribute to high cholesterol seen in foxes, raccoonsContinue Reading
Dieting Resolution Works Best When Done in Stages: Expert
Setting a goal, visualizing it, then taking small steps boost odds of successContinue Reading
Type of Formula May Influence Infant Weight Gain
Babies fed cow’s milk-based formula gained faster, study findsContinue Reading
Surviving the Holiday Buffet
Expert tips on enjoying yourself without getting indigestionContinue Reading
Vegetarian Diet Cuts Kidney Patients' Levels of Toxic Phosphorus
Diet made it easier to eliminate potentially hazardous substance from blood, urineContinue Reading
Too Much Fried Fish Might Help Make South the 'Stroke Belt'
Researchers find clue to region’s high rate of ‘brain attacks’Continue Reading
U.S. Food-Safety Laws Overhauled
Bill awaiting Obama’s signature would give FDA new powers to protect publicContinue Reading
Whole-Fat Dairy Products May Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study
Rare fatty acid found more in whole milk, yogurt and cheeses, researcher explainsContinue Reading
Obesity May Interfere With Vitamin D Absorption
Finding may indicate need for supplements or more sunshine, study suggestsContinue Reading
Inhalers Linked to Higher Odds of Diabetes in Asthma, COPD Patients
But the risk may stem from a ‘pro-inflammatory’ diet rather than corticosteroids, one expert contendsContinue Reading
Most Young Children Consume Caffeine Each Day
Much of it comes through sodas, and it can keep them awake, study suggestsContinue Reading
U.S. Spending Millions to See if Herbs Truly Work
Research aims to remove the mystery around popular dietary supplementsContinue Reading