Daily Coffee May Help Keep Grim Reaper Away
Three cups linked to 10% lower odds of dying from typical causes, federal study findsContinue Reading
Three cups linked to 10% lower odds of dying from typical causes, federal study findsContinue Reading
Along with poverty, less schooling linked to more chronic disease, disability and shorter lifeContinue Reading
Wait 20 minutes, since cravings usually are short-livedContinue Reading
Be realistic and don’t overdo it, experts sayContinue Reading
Heavy kids had higher levels of certain microbes, as did kids who ate little protein, study findsContinue Reading
Study suggests microbes in special yogurts, other foods may help common complaintContinue Reading
Preliminary study found people with type 2 disease reported eating more quicklyContinue Reading
Promoting daily physical activity, making healthful food readily available are key componentsContinue Reading
Study involving college students found proximity matteredContinue Reading
Children who watch the most television have worst eating habits, study findsContinue Reading
But researchers add the rise might be somewhat less than previously estimatedContinue Reading
Small study explores how body reacts when aroused by tempting treatsContinue Reading
People with certain DNA are turned off by the meat’s smell, small study findsContinue Reading
High consumption was associated with lower levels of protein linked to dementiaContinue Reading
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