'Fearless' 3-Year-Olds Might Be Tomorrow's Criminals
20-year study finds adults with records were more likely as tots to not be afraidContinue Reading
20-year study finds adults with records were more likely as tots to not be afraidContinue Reading
Gene mutations linked to both common and rarer hereditary forms of diseaseContinue Reading
Talking with your hands could be linked to evolution, research suggestsContinue Reading
Study findings might further autism researchContinue Reading
Study found elevated amounts of protein involved in blood-brain barrierContinue Reading
Rats fed sugary chow suffered withdrawal when regular meals returnedContinue Reading
Study deciphers the role dopamine plays in day-to-day actionsContinue Reading
But sitting in front of teacher or using wireless technologies might help, experts sayContinue Reading
Researchers suspect lower vitamin D levels may be to blameContinue Reading
Therapy to improve letter formation could boost self-esteem, researchers sayContinue Reading
Small study reports some people went from incapacitated to working againContinue Reading
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