Study Supports Link Between Stress, Epileptic Seizures
Stress activated brain response for some patients in preliminary researchContinue Reading
Stress activated brain response for some patients in preliminary researchContinue Reading
Research is preliminary, but could encourage more people with depression and epilepsy to try medsContinue Reading
Company has developed eye implant technology to help sightless detect color, movement and objectsContinue Reading
Patients should discuss risks with their doctor, researcher saysContinue Reading
Ability to smile, chew, speak, smell depends on whether nerves can be reconnected, surgeons sayContinue Reading
Research suggests that ‘balancing’ opposite tastes makes food more palatableContinue Reading
Fusiform face area ‘lit up’ identically on MRI whether auto lovers looked at cars or peopleContinue Reading
Genetic mutation associated with hearing loss in Usher syndrome type 1 and other cases, study saysContinue Reading
The sensory impairment is caused by dysfunction in the front part of the brain, researchers sayContinue Reading
But people may resent the advice and limit visits with their physicianContinue Reading
Gastrointestinal trouble, heightened sensory responses found in about one-fourth of kidsContinue Reading
Calorie counts per meal dropped but customers’ satisfaction rose, study foundContinue Reading
No difference seen over long term between those with or without the painful headachesContinue Reading
Uniformly red, ‘store-bought’ tomatoes are not as sweet, study findsContinue Reading
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