Music Soothes Anxiety as Well as Massage Does
Listening to relaxing tunes might be more cost-effective, researchers addContinue Reading
Listening to relaxing tunes might be more cost-effective, researchers addContinue Reading
Specially trained canines help those suffering aftermath of disaster, having daily strugglesContinue Reading
Focusing on genes alone will yield incomplete picture, scientists sayContinue Reading
Strategies may be needed to promote well-being in pregnancy, researcher saysContinue Reading
Study finds they spend less time on academics with video-game systems at homeContinue Reading
Disability cut short with integrated care, research showsContinue Reading
Scanning study suggests fixation on achieving goals, regardless of consequencesContinue Reading
Referrals to palliative care programs come too late, survey findsContinue Reading
But it shouldn’t affect mental health overall, study findsContinue Reading
Swedish researchers say loss of stem cells in the hippocampus could be to blameContinue Reading
Even a drive to the local store can end in getting lost, hurt, study findsContinue Reading
Taking antidepressant plus naltrexone improves odds of not drinking, researchers sayContinue Reading
Another study suggests that stress weighs heavily on the hearts of police, firefightersContinue Reading
People with SAD may be more affected by the shift in daylight, experts sayContinue Reading
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