When Your Mind Wanders, You Blink More
The body reflects what’s happening in the brain, research suggestsContinue Reading
The body reflects what’s happening in the brain, research suggestsContinue Reading
MRI scans reveal anatomical alterations in children with genetic disorderContinue Reading
President’s Cancer Panel report urges more public awareness of harm from common chemicalsContinue Reading
Sexual dysfunction higher for those on the regimen vs. other methods, researchers reportContinue Reading
Risk is 6 times higher than for other husbands, wives, study findsContinue Reading
Finding hints at new treatments for the disorder that causes verbal and motor ticsContinue Reading
But those mental illnesses are still common, especially among women, survey findsContinue Reading
Twins study found bigger newborn more likely to misbehave at ages 3 and 4Continue Reading
Boys, girls adjust their growth patterns in distinctive ways, study findsContinue Reading
Study doesn’t find any particular class of these medications more safeContinue Reading
Study found the more cigarettes a woman smoked, the greater the chancesContinue Reading
Called a gentler form of electroshock, treatment yielded ‘watershed’ results, researcher saysContinue Reading
Fetal and early childhood environment helps shape later outcomes, studies showContinue Reading
Knowing your children’s friends and good communication are key, study findsContinue Reading
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