Two-Thirds of U.S. Adults May Carry HPV
But study finds only 4 of 103 people whose DNA was tested had the cancer-causing strain of the virusContinue Reading
But study finds only 4 of 103 people whose DNA was tested had the cancer-causing strain of the virusContinue Reading
Eating high-fiber carbs, drinking less milk, avoiding diabetes and heart risk factors may help cut riskContinue Reading
With training, 2 dogs smelled urine samples and detected tumors with nearly 100 percent accuracyContinue Reading
Study looked at men with fertility issues, babies they fathered with assisted reproductive technologyContinue Reading
Researchers say study shows it saves money, but others note it doesn’t appear to save livesContinue Reading
Men with 2 or more defects have more than double the risk of dying early, study suggestsContinue Reading
Even if PSA levels are rising, postponing the treatment may boost quality of life without lowering survivalContinue Reading
Infant boys fare well, researchers say, but older ones have up to 20-fold increase in complicationsContinue Reading
Rates have more than doubled since 2000, health officials reportContinue Reading
Similar heart benefits seen in those who began endurance workouts before 30 or after 40Continue Reading
But whether this approach would work in humans is still unknownContinue Reading
When wife is seriously ill, half of marriages end in divorce, study findsContinue Reading
Adequate levels may help keep cell growth in check, but researchers say more study neededContinue Reading
Fetal image helps men take in reality of pending birth, study suggestsContinue Reading
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