Ibuprofen Linked to Lower Parkinson's Disease Risk
New research strengthens association, but more study is needed, experts sayContinue Reading
New research strengthens association, but more study is needed, experts sayContinue Reading
Study found those who said they had used Benzedrine or Dexedrine showed 60 percent greater likelihoodContinue Reading
Findings on paraquat, rotenone will further understanding of the disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
They’re rich in an antioxidant that seems to shield men and women from the illness, study findsContinue Reading
U.S. tax dollars contributing to more major new meds than previously thought, researchers sayContinue Reading
But experts caution against going overboard with sun and vitamin supplementsContinue Reading
Tracking symptoms electronically helps doctors evaluate condition, researchers sayContinue Reading
Finding suggests DNA may play stronger role in disease than previously thoughtContinue Reading
Next step, experts say, is to find ways to repair damage done by the diseaseContinue Reading
More than triples risk of developing degenerative brain disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
Those with conditions such as lupus appear more vulnerable, study suggestsContinue Reading
For accurate diagnosis, doctors should ask about bicycling, researchers sayContinue Reading
But weight loss may bring some relief, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Here are some suggestionsContinue Reading
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