Deep Brain Stimulation Improves Parkinson's Symptoms Long-Term
But it doesn’t stop the progression of the disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
But it doesn’t stop the progression of the disease, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study found users were 76 percent more likely to develop movement disorderContinue Reading
Rare cases where a patient has both conditions yield up crucial informationContinue Reading
Researchers find ‘soldiers’ of immune system keep AIDS virus from getting inside cellsContinue Reading
The technology is a promising tool to improve movement speed in patients, researcher saysContinue Reading
Sensitivity to chemicals, metals may prime immune system against certain tumors, research suggests, but more study neededContinue Reading
Six years after FDA cautioned drugs may worsen symptoms, overall prescription number unchanged, study findsContinue Reading
A little-known illness they’re spreading can be fatal, especially to people with a weak immune systemContinue Reading
Patients with the brain disorder should get checked annually for the skin cancer, expert advisesContinue Reading
California study finds higher Parkinson’s risk among non-agricultural workersContinue Reading
Tonsillectomy, appendectomy before age 20 may slightly raise threat, study suggestsContinue Reading
Vaccines have reduced disease rate in young but death rate remains unchangedContinue Reading
Ask your doctor to evaluate any of these warning signsContinue Reading
Those with weak reaction more likely to have disease flares after vaccination, researchers sayContinue Reading
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