Pregnancy Safe for Most Women With Lupus: Study
About 80 percent of women delivered without complicationsContinue Reading
About 80 percent of women delivered without complicationsContinue Reading
But benefits still far outweigh the risk, say expertsContinue Reading
Study found antibody levels dropped more over time among those who weighed moreContinue Reading
American Academy of Neurology has updated recommendations for treating essential tremorContinue Reading
It may be key in protecting people from infections like tuberculosis, study showsContinue Reading
Ability to ride a bike may help doctors distinguish between motor disorders, study saysContinue Reading
Group of neurologists says the abnormal movements seem to be triggered by mental illness insteadContinue Reading
Toxins that get into blood can affect organ function in these vulnerable children, study findsContinue Reading
Agency says it will work with manufacturers to improve monitoring of women who get the devicesContinue Reading
Theory that the movement disorder occurs randomly is changing, researcher saysContinue Reading
Agency asking advisers to devise ways to gather better data on ‘real-world’ safety and performanceContinue Reading
Mixing of modern humans, Neanderthals and another relative may have passed on good genesContinue Reading
But women, minorities more likely to stick with primary care doctor, study findsContinue Reading
CDC investigation shows tap water used for ink was the culpritContinue Reading
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