Many Heart Patients Place False Hope in Angioplasty
In non-emergency scenarios, the artery-opening procedure won’t prevent heart attack, experts noteContinue Reading
In non-emergency scenarios, the artery-opening procedure won’t prevent heart attack, experts noteContinue Reading
Use of medical imaging also increased, U.S. government study foundContinue Reading
But findings don’t apply to low- or middle-income countries, study saysContinue Reading
But vegetable-based low-carb plans lowered death rates from cancer and heart disease, study findsContinue Reading
Long-term effect of exposure to PFOAs, PFOS compounds still unknown, researchers sayContinue Reading
Too little conditioning, cold and high altitude all contribute to hazard, researchers sayContinue Reading
Comparison found no significant difference in breathlessness levels among terminally illContinue Reading
Here are possible warning signsContinue Reading
‘Code Blue’ emergencies at VA center declined 57 percent in first two years, study showsContinue Reading
Statins, asthma meds, antidepressants and stimulants top the listContinue Reading
Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll finds 30 percent of those overweight think they’re normal sizeContinue Reading
Standard goal may not be low enough for those with protein in their urine, study findsContinue Reading
And higher-dose aspirin is no more effective than low dose, researchers sayContinue Reading
While researchers saw no rise in deaths, some experts wonder if this drug has a futureContinue Reading
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