Many Primary Care Docs Don't Know Long-Term Effects of Chemo: Survey
Experts stress that information needs to be passed on after cancer treatment endsContinue Reading
Experts stress that information needs to be passed on after cancer treatment endsContinue Reading
In study, one-third benefited from taking Zytiga plus hormone therapy for 6 months before surgeryContinue Reading
Three cups linked to 10% lower odds of dying from typical causes, federal study findsContinue Reading
Preliminary study of 7 children saw more activity in ‘social’ areas of the brainContinue Reading
People getting comprehensive education had higher death risk, researchers foundContinue Reading
Just 30 minutes of exposure can damage the lining of the blood vessels, study showsContinue Reading
Improvements seen at 6 weeks, but then taper off over year, researchers findContinue Reading
Behavioral therapy more effective in youngsters than teens, Swedish research suggestsContinue Reading
No reliable evidence supports use of ‘liberation therapy,’ agency saysContinue Reading
The death rate for these patients also fell from 9% in 1989 to 5% in 2009, study showsContinue Reading
Review shows benefits of routine checks at clinics, in doctors’ officesContinue Reading
To get message across, doctors should focus on sun’s damage to looks, not health, panel advisesContinue Reading
Researchers not sure if technology or biology is the causeContinue Reading
Making energy-storing white fat act more like energy-burning brown fat might spur weight loss, researchers sayContinue Reading
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