MONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) — American kids are drinking to excess less and abusing marijuana more, a new study finds. Marijuana abuse among 6- to 18-year-olds has increased 245% since 2000, while child alcohol abuse has steadily declined over those years, say researchers who analyzed poisonings over twoContinue Reading

MONDAY, Dec. 5, 2022 (HealthDay News) – The Laundress, a laundry and cleaning products company, has recalled nearly 8 million of its products over concerns they may be contaminated with various bacteria. The bacteria include Burkholderia cepacia complex, Klebsiella aerogenes and multiple different species of Pseudomonas. So far, testing hasContinue Reading

Shingles ups odds for heart attack, stroke by almost 30%. Luckily, getting a shingles vaccine guards against the condition and thereby may also protect against heart issues. Read more Vicious cycle: Epilepsy seizures can prompt more epilepsy seizures. Mouse studies show that seizures cause the brain to change the structureContinue Reading

SATURDAY, Dec. 3, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Winter weather brings with it plenty of hazards, including risks from carbon monoxide poisoning, and fires. But the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) offers suggestions for staying safe on those cold winter nights. When storms knock out power, a portable generator canContinue Reading

Few Americans understand alcohol’s impact on cancer. Only one-third of 3,800 adults surveyed knew about the heightened cancer risk for liquor, while 25% were aware of the risk with beer and 20% were aware of the risk with wine. Read more Patients often confused by their doctor’s medical jargon. ‘PositiveContinue Reading

The ‘Great Resignation’ is taking a big toll on health care. Workplace burnout is common, and the nationwide shortage of health care professionals is now impacting patient care in ways large and small, a new HealthDay/Harris Poll shows. Read more FDA may revise blood donor rules for gay men. TheContinue Reading

Shortage of antibiotics, antivirals are making a bad illness season worse. The antiviral drug Tamiflu is in short supply for both adults and children, as are supplies of pediatric versions of the antibiotics amoxicillin and Augmentin. Read more Put away that salt shaker to shield your heart. In a newContinue Reading

How persistent asthma might harm the heart. When the respiratory condition is relentless, it appears tied to plaque in the carotid arteries, increasing the risk for heart attack and stroke, researchers say. Read more Long COVID often brings another issue: stigma. Patients can face the skepticism of others, a newContinue Reading

SUNDAY, Nov. 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — When loved ones come together for your Thanksgiving feast, keep in mind your those who have food allergies. Practice safety in menu planning, food preparation and even serving, urged Courtney Cary, a senior dietitian at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Be awareContinue Reading

Is radiation after a lumpectomy worth it for breast cancer patients? New research says the treatment can enhance survival up to 10 years after diagnosis, but not after 30 years. Read more Study confirms it: Harried moms don’t get enough exercise. British research finds that fewer than half of mothersContinue Reading

Could wireless earbuds help boost poor hearing? Apple earbuds proved their mettle for helping those with mild to moderate hearing loss in new study. Read more Dangerous parasite that can infect people is found in U.S. foxes. The first two cases of a rare parasitic disease — alveolar echinococcosis —Continue Reading