Three-Quarters of U.S. Jobless Can't Afford Health Care: Report
Affordable Care Act will give newly unemployed more choices for coverage in 2014, authors contendContinue Reading
Affordable Care Act will give newly unemployed more choices for coverage in 2014, authors contendContinue Reading
Fewer children uninsured, likely due to efforts to boost enrollment and retention in programsContinue Reading
Vermont, Massachusetts among the states with highest individual premiums, researchers sayContinue Reading
Adult psychiatric admissions also increased, except among the elderlyContinue Reading
Divided panel says mandate violates rights; final decision may come from Supreme Court, experts sayContinue Reading
$185 million awarded to speed up creation of ‘one-stop’ marketplaces for health plansContinue Reading
Alabama had the lowest average premiums, while Massachusetts and Vermont had the highest in 2010Continue Reading
HHS officials credit savings on new health care reform law, but critics aren’t impressedContinue Reading
U.S. physicians spend almost four times as much dealing with insurers and payersContinue Reading
New rules come after expert panel’s report urged contraception and other services be made freeContinue Reading
Lost jobs, expanded access to government-sponsored coverage is spurring the trend, researchers sayContinue Reading
But imaging software makes it more likely women will need more testing, researchers sayContinue Reading
Those using Part D had lower hospital, nursing home bills, tooContinue Reading
But most have a regular doctor, survey findsContinue Reading
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