Low-Radiation CT Scans Effective at Spotting Appendicitis: Study
Approach cuts cancer risk without raising number of unnecessary surgeriesContinue Reading
Approach cuts cancer risk without raising number of unnecessary surgeriesContinue Reading
For appendicitis, charges ranged from $1,500 to $180,000Continue Reading
Swedish researchers compared open surgery with laparoscopyContinue Reading
Follow-through is more likely with other screening tests for colon cancerContinue Reading
Analysis found many women stop taking the medications because of bothersome side effectsContinue Reading
Complications can include ulcers, bleeding, study findsContinue Reading
Irish study finds rise in radiation exposure over decade parallels increased use of CTContinue Reading
Drugs avoid risks of surgery, but 20 percent of those who use them still need appendix removedContinue Reading
People on daily vitamins had as many episodes of the oral lesions as those who took placebosContinue Reading
New line of stem cells may have application for disease-modeling, researchers sayContinue Reading
Embarrassment may prompt some women to avoid the recommended tests, researchers sayContinue Reading
Patients suffer from throat, stomach injuriesContinue Reading
Unlike other such screens, researchers say the test isn’t affected by certain lifestyle factorsContinue Reading
Study suggests procedure should be cancelled if visibility is poorContinue Reading
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