That May Not Be a Cold, Could Be Fall Allergies
Ragweed, mold most common allergens this time of year, experts sayContinue Reading
Ragweed, mold most common allergens this time of year, experts sayContinue Reading
Heat waves deadlier than cold snaps, researchers findContinue Reading
But most don’t have a written evacuation plan, researchers findContinue Reading
Stock up on nonperishables, protein sources, powdered milkContinue Reading
Residents living near doomed reactor showed relatively low radiation exposure, study foundContinue Reading
Have an air-conditioned place in mindContinue Reading
Warmer weather requires a few extra precautions for active adults, young athletesContinue Reading
Extreme differences in precipitation trigger more complex warbles, study showsContinue Reading
Older people who live alone at greater risk for heat-related illnessContinue Reading
Nearly half of adults surveyed do not have emergency supplies, researchers findContinue Reading
Having a ‘safe room’ nearby, staying alert to warnings key to saving lives, CDC notesContinue Reading
Including weakness and dizzinessContinue Reading
Drink plenty of water and wear light clothingContinue Reading
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