Palpitations May Signal Future Heart Rhythm Problem
Study found greater odds of developing atrial fibrillationContinue Reading
Study found greater odds of developing atrial fibrillationContinue Reading
As air quality rose and fell, so did blood-clotting factors, study foundContinue Reading
Patients do better when they receive care from a team of health professionalsContinue Reading
Staying in shape lowered odds of developing hypertension by up to 42 percent in studyContinue Reading
The death rate for these patients also fell from 9% in 1989 to 5% in 2009, study showsContinue Reading
Researchers looked at infant death rates in OregonContinue Reading
But checking those with diabetes, high blood pressure makes sense, doctors agreeContinue Reading
Study says it reduces levels of blood sugar and bad cholesterol, raises good cholesterol levelsContinue Reading
Large study from Taiwan found inactive people fared worse at all blood-pressure levelsContinue Reading
Type 2 illness can’t be treated with one-size-fits-all approach, new recommendations adviseContinue Reading
Large review also found positive people less likely to suffer strokeContinue Reading
International chains sell same items abroad but with less sodium, study findsContinue Reading
More chronic illness, ER visits and hospitalizations with conditions such as depressionContinue Reading
Use tied to maternal high blood pressure, study finds, but benefits may still outweigh risksContinue Reading
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