Researchers Shed Light on Link Between Stress, Heart Trouble
Study suggests brain may be key to the connection between negative emotions and inflammationContinue Reading
Study suggests brain may be key to the connection between negative emotions and inflammationContinue Reading
Review of bisphosphonates finds they work but optimum time for use remains unclear
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Surprising findings come from long-term tracking of kids’ blood testsContinue Reading
DEKA Arm System allows user to multi-task, agency saysContinue Reading
Ease your schedule when symptoms flare
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Reason for connection isn’t clear, experts sayContinue Reading
Study finds the brew is helpful, but drinking too much is never warranted, experts sayContinue Reading
Inflammation may play a role, small study suggestsContinue Reading
Exercise, physical therapy may help by improving balance, strength and gait, researchers sayContinue Reading
Grip strength, ability to rise from chair and standing balance measuredContinue Reading
Study finds benefit in light activity such as housecleaning or a slow strollContinue Reading
Get lots of vitamin D and calcium
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Knee ligament injuries are rising among kids in sports, especially girls, experts sayContinue Reading
Study of more than 10,000 people suggests these infants may someday have more health problemsContinue Reading
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