First Patient Treated in U.S.-Approved Embryonic Stem Cell Trial
Unnamed individual is receiving controversial cells to treat spinal cord injuryContinue Reading
Unnamed individual is receiving controversial cells to treat spinal cord injuryContinue Reading
Wide range of support, including Republicans, Catholics and born-again Christians, Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll findsContinue Reading
Study patients taking supplement had same results as those given a placebo, new research findsContinue Reading
It may one day offer a more targeted therapy for the aggressive disease, but more study is needed, researchers sayContinue Reading
Data from 10 studies shows no effect, researchers say, and any benefit noted is likely to be placeboContinue Reading
But far more research is needed to know whether treatment is safe and effective, researcher cautionsContinue Reading
Relaxation techniques may help prevent, reduce some of the worst effects, researchers suggestContinue Reading
Experts say judge’s injunction on using federal funds effectively halts work in labs across the countryContinue Reading
Experts say the injunction on using federal funds effectively halts work in labs across the countryContinue Reading
New synthetic surface should ‘make it easier for the cells to divide and grow,’ they sayContinue Reading
Substantial relief found with both sham, traditional Chinese acupuncture, researchers findContinue Reading
Participants reported less pain, a happier mood and overall better quality of lifeContinue Reading
Improved connections in areas regulating emotions become clear after 11 hours of training, scans showContinue Reading
Therapy’s potential could extend beyond care of epidermolysis bullosa, researchers sayContinue Reading
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