Blood or Bone Marrow Better for Stem Cell Transplants?
Study found no survival differences, but blood cells may be associated with more chronic side effectsContinue Reading
Study found no survival differences, but blood cells may be associated with more chronic side effectsContinue Reading
Strong body-mind connection to good health is core beliefContinue Reading
‘Strive for 5’ might need an updateContinue Reading
Children will receive infusion of stem cells from their own umbilical cord bloodContinue Reading
MRIs show differences in brains of people who could or couldn’t be put into a tranceContinue Reading
Pain, spasms and sleep quality also improved in those given drug vs. placeboContinue Reading
Chemotherapy, radiation before transplant linked to elevated threatContinue Reading
Healing touch, guided imagery eased symptoms, improved quality of lifeContinue Reading
Mixture of sesame and rice bran oils has heart-healthy effects, preliminary study suggestsContinue Reading
Study using mouse stem cells provides clues to how some birth defects occur, researcher saysContinue Reading
Next step is to determine if procedure is safe and recovery persistsContinue Reading
Ancient technique outperformed ‘sham’ acupuncture in large reviewContinue Reading
This is the latest finding in debate over herb’s ability to keep dementia at bayContinue Reading
Scientists zero in on DNA sequence associated with gliomasContinue Reading
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