(HealthDay News) — To prevent allergic reactions — from latex to pollen — having an allergy management plan is essential, says the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The AAFA asks people to: Avoid contact with allergens. Take medicines as prescribed. Keep epinephrine with you if you are at riskContinue Reading

SATURDAY, Jan. 5, 2019 (HealthDay News) — After suffering through a cold, many people still have a persistent cough — but why? According to Dr. Jonathan Parsons, director of the Asthma Center at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, here are some reasons for a continuing cough: Coughing is protective.Continue Reading

SUNDAY, Dec. 16, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Reducing stress could cut your risk of allergy and asthma symptoms during the holidays. “Studies show stress can cause a number of negative health effects, including causing more symptoms for allergy and asthma sufferers,” said Dr. Todd Mahr, president of the American CollegeContinue Reading

SATURDAY, Nov. 24, 2018 (HealthDay News) — The holidays can be a particularly difficult time for people with food allergies. But one health expert suggests that these folks can still enjoy festive gatherings, as long as they take certain precautions. About 5 percent of children and 4 percent of adultsContinue Reading