Beating Breast Cancer

When women like Angelina Jolie make breast cancer news…. people listen. But do women really have a beat on their own breast cancer odds?A new survey says no.Researchers questioned nearly 10-thousand women between the ages of 35 and 70 during mammogram appointments, All were asked to estimate their personal risk of developing breast cancer.The vast majority…nearly 91-percent…missed the mark. 44-point-7 percent underestimated their risk. 45-point-9 percent overestimated. Just 9-point- 4 percent got it right.The takeaway, according to the lead author of the study… Women need to know their breast cancer risk number the same way they know their blood pressure, cholesterol and BMI numbers. Improving women’s understanding of their risk will help them make smart decisions about screening for the disease.I’m Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV with news from today that can lead to healthy tomorrows.