(HealthDay News) — Before you let your little goblins out of the home for trick-or-treating this year, make sure they’re safe and prepared.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers these Halloween safety suggestions:
- Ensure that any accessories that resemble weapons (such as plastic swords) are flexible and short.
- Make sure costumes fit properly to avoid trips and falls.
- Instruct children to follow all traffic rules and stay on the sidewalk.
- Don’t let children trick-or-treat without an adult or group of other children.
- Apply reflective tape to costumes and candy bags so drivers are able to see children. Kids also should carry a flashlight.
- Inspect children’s candy before they eat it to make sure there are no choking or tampering hazards.
- Put a limit on how much candy your child can eat.
- Make sure your child understands to enter a home only if he or she knows the owner well.
- Be sure your child wears a flame-retardant costume.