Health Tip: Calm a Colicky Baby

(HealthDay News) — Babies that cry frequently for hours at a time and are fussy for reasons you or your doctor can’t explain may have colic.

While doctors don’t know what causes colic, and there is no known cure, the Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions to help calm a colicky baby:

  • Walk with baby, rock in a chair or try other positions to see if any of them make baby happy.
  • Burp baby frequently during feedings.
  • Place baby across your lap, belly-down, and rub baby’s back.
  • Place baby in a swing or seat that vibrates, or put baby in an infant carrier and go for a ride in the car.
  • Play soothing music.
  • Run the vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, clothes dryer or white noise device to see if this calms your baby.