Health Tip: Prevent Motion Sickness

(HealthDay News) — Motion sickness can quickly spoil that long-awaited vacation or business trip. The inner-ear disorder affects balance and equilibrium, possibly leading to queasiness, nausea and vomiting.

The Cleveland Clinic suggests these tips for preventing motion sickness:

  • If you’re prone to motion sickness, don’t read in a moving vehicle.
  • Be sure to get plenty of sleep before traveling.
  • Skip foods that are acidic or greasy.
  • Drink lots of water throughout the day, but restrict drinking alcohol.
  • Avoid smoking and inhaling second-hand smoke, and close contact with other people who have motion sickness.
  • Lean your head back against the head rest of your seat.
  • If you’re a car passenger, look at the scenery in the distance. If you’re the driver, always focus on the road, but shift your eyes a bit so that you’re not always focused on the same spot.