Health Tip: Lactose May Be Hiding in Food

(HealthDay News) — Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose, a sugar that is typically found in milk and other dairy foods. Lactose is added to many non-dairy products, which is bad news for people who can’t digest lactose properly. The condition is known as lactose intolerance.

The American College of Gastroenterology says foods that may be harboring lactose include:

  • Baked goods, including breads and processed breakfast cereals.
  • Breakfast foods, drinks and instant potatoes.
  • Margarine and non-kosher lunch meats.
  • Condiments, such as salad dressings.
  • Snack foods such as candy.
  • Mixes for cookies, pancakes and biscuits.
  • Instant meals in powdered form.