Absent Father Might Mean Earlier Puberty for Higher-Income Girls
Findings add to previous research, but experts still can’t explain linkContinue Reading
Findings add to previous research, but experts still can’t explain linkContinue Reading
Up to one drink daily lowers women’s risk by a third, researchers sayContinue Reading
Starting chemotherapy when first signs reappear not especially effective, study findsContinue Reading
Mutation could affect 4 percent of infertile men, experts sayContinue Reading
Research in Sweden found lower death rates for those who got screenedContinue Reading
Device releases progestin hormone and helps younger women delay hysterectomy, preserve fertility, researchers sayContinue Reading
A professor of human development counters that the study was too small to be reliable, howeverContinue Reading
Designed to help prevent certain birth defectsContinue Reading
Trend mirrors one seen in U.S., researchers noteContinue Reading
But experts question its cost-effectivenessContinue Reading
Norwegian study findings stir renewed debate over the value of routine screeningContinue Reading
But strategies needed to keep women enrolled in research studies, study authors stressedContinue Reading
Findings may help scientists develop way to predict individual risk in BRCA1 mutation carriersContinue Reading
Study found more than 4 million deaths prevented in 2009 by expanding schooling to women of childbearing ageContinue Reading
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