FRIDAY, Dec. 30, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Just 14% of all cancers diagnosed in the United States are detected through routine screening, a new analysis finds — pointing to many missed opportunities to catch cancer early. “It’s surprising, but true,” said Caroline Pearson, senior vice president of the research institutionContinue Reading

MONDAY, Dec. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Many American women have to travel long distances to reach the nearest mammography center, a new study finds — raising questions about whether that keeps some from receiving breast cancer screening. Researchers found that 8.2 million women had limited access to mammography screeningContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Dec. 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — With more American men turning to testosterone therapy as a way to boost energy levels, build muscle and tackle erectile dysfunction, it’s no wonder that web-based merchants have stepped into the breach, seeking to grab market share away from doctors and pharmacies. ButContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Dec. 1, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The nationwide shortage of health care professionals — a so-called “Great Resignation” of providers — is impacting patient care in ways large and small, a new HealthDay/Harris Poll shows. One in four Americans (25%) have noticed or personally experienced the impact of staffingContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Nov. 30, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Researchers warn that high rates of cervical cancer screening in women over 65 suggest that some older Americans are being unnecessarily screened. More health data on these screenings in older women is needed to prevent potential harm and unnecessary costs, said the teamContinue Reading

TUESDAY, Nov. 29, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Out-of-pocket costs may make as many as 1 in 5 women forgo additional screening when an initial mammogram finds an abnormality, a new U.S. study finds. The Affordable Care Act improved access to mammograms, but high-deductible insurance plans appear to keep women fromContinue Reading