TUESDAY, June 6, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Millions of stray cats roam the world over, and surgical sterilization has long been the primary method of population control. But a small new study shows promising results for a one-and-done contraceptive injection. Researchers say this first-of-its-kind approach appears safe and effective. “AContinue Reading

TUESDAY, May 30, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Talking about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be uncomfortable. But whether you’re talking to your partner, child or doctor, these are important conversations to have. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 20% of Americans had an STI in 2018. ThereContinue Reading

FRIDAY, May 26, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Emergency departments aren’t perceived as safe for professionals or their patients, according to an international survey from the European Society of Emergency Medicine (EUSEM). More than 90% of emergency professionals surveyed said they felt at times the number of patients exceeded the capacityContinue Reading

FRIDAY, May 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Health screenings and preventive care appointments are a key to maintaining long-term health and well-being. By proactively engaging in these practices, women can identify potential health risks early on and take necessary steps. This guide will outline the key women’s health screenings andContinue Reading

FRIDAY, May 19, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Hysterectomy is the second most common surgery for women in their reproductive years, right after cesarean section. Nearly 68% of these surgeries are done to address non-cancerous conditions such as abnormal uterine bleeding, uterine fibroids and endometriosis, according to Michigan Medicine. The U.S.Continue Reading