TUESDAY, Feb. 11, 2025 (HealthDay News) — Ozempic, Wegovy, Saxenda, Trulicity: These and other GLP1-RA diabetes/weight-loss meds can also boost outcomes for folks battling chronic kidney disease, new research shows. Compared to another common class of kidney medications, called DPP4is, GLP1-RA medications did better in helping slow the progression ofContinue Reading

MONDAY, Nov. 11, 2024 (HealthDay News) — People with both type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease face a heart health double-whammy, a new study says. Men with both diabetes and kidney disease will develop heart health problems 28 years earlier than those without either condition, researchers reported today atContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Sept. 12, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Ozempic and Wegovy can prevent heart problems in overweight and obese people, particularly if they also suffer from kidney disease, a new clinical trial shows. The drugs’ active ingredient, semaglutide, reduced heart health risk by 20% in heavyset people who took it forContinue Reading