Blood Test Detects Down Syndrome During Pregnancy
Second company develops noninvasive screen for conditionContinue Reading
Second company develops noninvasive screen for conditionContinue Reading
Psychiatric experts torn on whether bereavement should be included in new diagnostic manualContinue Reading
Researchers say suicide risk is highest soon after such an incidentContinue Reading
But meds remain a significant burden for those with low incomes, chronic illnesses, study findsContinue Reading
Despite ‘black box warning’ for drugs such as Prozac, no increase — or decrease — was foundContinue Reading
Employers often reluctant to hire people with disabilities due to misconceptionsContinue Reading
Research sheds light on Joubert syndrome, which causes physical and mental disabilitiesContinue Reading
Female soldiers have the same rate of post-traumatic stress disorder as males, study findsContinue Reading
Patients taking memantine had more serious adverse events than those given placeboContinue Reading
And that can cause people to feel isolated, afraid — and even forgo treatmentsContinue Reading
Women with mental health issue within 30 days of delivery most likely to get diagnosis, study contendsContinue Reading
Improvements in quality of care less impressive, study foundContinue Reading
Nearly 40 percent in study reported attempts in elementary or middle schoolContinue Reading
What you eat can affect your state of mindContinue Reading
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