Faith May Complement Treatment for Mental Illness
Patients with stronger belief in God did better in small studyContinue Reading
Patients with stronger belief in God did better in small studyContinue Reading
Phone time to get insurance authorization adds up to a million hours a year for psychiatrists nationwideContinue Reading
Danish study found some were less likely to be financially self-sufficient as adultsContinue Reading
Task force stresses that finding does not apply to those with current or past mental health problemsContinue Reading
Diagnosis-related claims — not surgical or medication errors — are the most costly of all, researcher saysContinue Reading
Study in U.S. and Australia found more online inquiries in winter than summerContinue Reading
Survey of workers, volunteers looked at community access to services for children and teensContinue Reading
Former inmate describes efforts to stay emotionally healthy after his releaseContinue Reading
Study found the pain is also related to greater disabilityContinue Reading
Researchers say meds were often prescribed ‘off-label’ for conditions like ADHDContinue Reading
Overweight patients on a ‘lifestyle changes’ program improved exercise, nutrition, shed more poundsContinue Reading
Survey found support for gun restrictions rose after reports that shooter was mentally illContinue Reading
Report also found higher proportion of smoking among substance abusersContinue Reading
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