With Spanking, Nature and Nurture Create More Aggression, Study Suggests
Physical discipline seen to make problem worse in boys with certain genetic tendenciesContinue Reading
Physical discipline seen to make problem worse in boys with certain genetic tendenciesContinue Reading
Physical, sexual, emotional abuse reported by many people in detoxContinue Reading
Both victims, bullies more likely to consider taking own life by age 11Continue Reading
Those with mental illness are the most vulnerable, researchers findContinue Reading
Study shows people more likely to back idea after seeing news coverage connecting the twoContinue Reading
Study found more cases requiring emergency-room careContinue Reading
Survey finds many were abused, harassed or bullied by others prior to the incidentContinue Reading
Unfair treatment that is race-based linked to reports of poor health in both blacks and whitesContinue Reading
Most of these homicides involve guns, but criminal drug activity isn’t often a factorContinue Reading
People with certain disorders might be more vulnerable to violence, says American Academy of NeurologyContinue Reading
Intimate partner violence can be psychological or physical, occurs at all levels of societyContinue Reading
Rape, stalking, physical violence widespread in the U.S., report findsContinue Reading
It’s not clear what those changes mean though, experts noteContinue Reading
Technologies change but distressed kids, concerned adults are constantsContinue Reading
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