Hospital Costs From Gun Injuries Topped $16B Over 9 Years
U.S. study found many victims were young, male, black, uninsuredContinue Reading
U.S. study found many victims were young, male, black, uninsuredContinue Reading
Adults whose parents experienced intimate-partner violence often become abusers or victims themselvesContinue Reading
The psychological effects are even more profound for women who were stalked as adults, results showContinue Reading
That’s a higher level of serious injury and death than any other cause, even car accidents, study findsContinue Reading
Where alcohol is consumed — home, party, bar or park — affects whether man or woman is victimizedContinue Reading
Researchers looked at 30 years of data from all 50 statesContinue Reading
Entitlement, punishment among reasons citedContinue Reading
More empathy, less anxiety pave way for better relationships, study findsContinue Reading
Family violence expert warns doctors to be on lookout for Munchausen syndrome by proxyContinue Reading
Nearly half of urban 5-year-olds consume soft drinks every day, their mothers sayContinue Reading
But study only found effect for those with specific type of geneContinue Reading
But these same action games were tied to improved visual skills, researchers sayContinue Reading
Limiting access to guns is the only solution, expert saysContinue Reading
Problem isn’t getting better, expert warnsContinue Reading
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