FRIDAY, June 1, 2018 (HealthDay News) — A perfect storm of murder, addiction and carelessness has fueled a recent and troubling increase in deaths among U.S. children and teens, a new government report shows. The total death rate for those aged 10 to 19 rose 12 percent between 2013 andContinue Reading

MONDAY, Dec. 18, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Experiencing trauma as a child or teen apparently makes you more susceptible to heart disease. A new scientific statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) says that people who were abused, bullied, witnessed violence or had other traumatic experiences when they were childrenContinue Reading

THURSDAY, Nov. 30, 2017 (HealthDay News) — More stringent gun laws might spur a decline n domestic violence murders, new research suggests. Thirteen states and federal law prohibit people convicted of domestic violence from buying guns. But the study found that states that extended this ban to people convicted ofContinue Reading

MONDAY, Nov. 20, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Teens who abuse prescription drugs, like opioid painkillers, are prone to initiating or being victims of dating violence, a new study finds. In a nationwide survey of more than 10,000 teenagers who had dated in the past year, the researchers found that non-medicalContinue Reading