Missed Naps Could Put Toddlers at Risk for Mood Disorders
Study found lack of sleep hampers ability to express feelingsContinue Reading
Study found lack of sleep hampers ability to express feelingsContinue Reading
The inability to fall asleep or stay asleepContinue Reading
Some kids with type 1 diabetes may also have sleep apnea, study suggestsContinue Reading
Falling asleep while driving, losing temper with suspects linked to lack of Zzz’sContinue Reading
Wearing CPAP mask during sleep improved blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar in study patientsContinue Reading
Those getting 150 minutes’ activity a week were less likely to report daytime fatigueContinue Reading
Babies slept more soundly when they had their shots after 1:30 p.m., researchers sayContinue Reading
Rise in cases tied to ‘back to sleep’ campaign shouldn’t worry parents, pediatricians sayContinue Reading
Age-related brain changes seen as likely cause for some memory problems in elderly, researchers sayContinue Reading
Regular exams can prevent foot ulcers, nerve damage and amputations, podiatrists sayContinue Reading
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