Poor Sleep Habits Linked With Chronic Diseases, Study Says
Too much shuteye may be even more damaging than too littleContinue Reading
Too much shuteye may be even more damaging than too littleContinue Reading
From age 2.5 until their teens, children with the disorder tend to wake up frequently during the nightContinue Reading
Suggestions to prevent early wakeups in childrenContinue Reading
Boosting exercise, limiting caffeine and reducing video games at bedtime are importantContinue Reading
But suffocation risk outweighs benefit of moms sleeping with infants, experts say
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Classroom naps may improve learning in preschoolers by boosting memory.Continue Reading
Rest time boosts a child’s memory, small study suggestsContinue Reading
Small study rated facial appearance before and after CPAPContinue Reading
Parents who limited kids’ TV time, increased sleep time saw less excess weight gain in children
Racial disparity greatest among those in professional, management positions, researchers say
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International survey highlights how culture may influence sleep habitsContinue Reading
Virtual-reality study found those who lacked adequate sleep at greater risk of injuryContinue Reading
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