Gout Attacks More Common at Night: Study
Dehydration, lower body temp, or hormonal shifts may be to blame, expert saysContinue Reading
Dehydration, lower body temp, or hormonal shifts may be to blame, expert saysContinue Reading
Sleep issues, such as sleep apnea, also associated with excess weight, study findsContinue Reading
Study suggests low oxygen levels, less time in deep shut-eye may contribute to brain changesContinue Reading
Study suggests low oxygen levels, less time in deep shut-eye may contribute to brain changesContinue Reading
Known as nocturia, condition can be benign or linked to more serious health issue, researchers noteContinue Reading
People with the sleep disorder take in less oxygen during exercise, small study findsContinue Reading
People with the sleep disorder take in less oxygen during exercise, small study findsContinue Reading
Scientists pinpoint area of DNA, but difference is only few minutes each nightContinue Reading
Scientists pinpoint area of DNA, but difference is only few minutes each nightContinue Reading
Over half have items in crib that may up odds of sudden infant death syndromeContinue Reading
Study finds illicit drug use more likely after their prescribed medications run outContinue Reading
Finding means fewer calories burned, and may explain why shift workers tend to gain weight, researcher saysContinue Reading
Screening for sleep disorder could spot those at risk for more rapid loss of renal function, researchers sayContinue Reading
These disorders linked to risk for car accidents and poor health, study suggestsContinue Reading
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