Sleep Loss Tied to Changes in Gut Bacteria
The changes are similar to those observed in some obese patients, researchers sayContinue Reading
The changes are similar to those observed in some obese patients, researchers sayContinue Reading
Lack of sleep also tied to more weight and more frequent health visits for those with the airway diseaseContinue Reading
Too little shut-eye can equal alcohol in terms of impairment behind the wheel, traffic safety group warnsContinue Reading
Small study found lack of sleep affected blood pressure, heart rate in healthy volunteersContinue Reading
Interactive program aims to build better sleep habits, researchers sayContinue Reading
More than $411 billion a year lost in U.S. due to lower productivity levels, study findsContinue Reading
You’re likely to be uncomfortable at times
Continue Reading
Research also found viewing sexual content can lead to erotic dreams, but not as oftenContinue Reading
But more shut-eye associated with better kidney function in studyContinue Reading
But more shut-eye associated with better kidney function in studyContinue Reading
Atrial fibrillation can trigger strokes, study authors noteContinue Reading
Researchers don’t know if beverages keep you awake or lack of sleep prompts cravingsContinue Reading
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