Did Grandpa’s Insomnia Serve an Evolutionary Purpose?
Study suggests older tribe members may have pulled the ‘night shift’ to watch for dangerContinue Reading
Study suggests older tribe members may have pulled the ‘night shift’ to watch for dangerContinue Reading
Sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome are less common in those with a reason to get up in the morning, study findsContinue Reading
South Korean study found a quieter room was tied to better odds for fatherhoodContinue Reading
Small study raises questions about daytime sleep and cell damageContinue Reading
When erratic snoozers improve shut-eye habits, they feel better, study findsContinue Reading
How sweet dreams can lead to progress on the scale
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Study of college students finds regular slumber schedule a key to successContinue Reading
Well-intentioned tips to encourage better sleep often backfire, study findsContinue Reading
Those who posted turned in a poorer performance the next day; lack of sleep the likely culpritContinue Reading
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