WEDNESDAY, Oct. 27, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Patients suffering from “long COVID” can have symptoms that last a year or more, putting their jobs and everyday routines in jeopardy, a new study finds. Looking at more than 150 people with long-lasting effects from COVID-19, researchers said the patients reported thinkingContinue Reading

MONDAY, Sept. 27, 2021 (American Heart Association News) — Exercise may help reduce symptoms of a common sleep disorder and improve brain function, a small study finds. Exercise training could be a useful supplemental treatment for people with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea, the research showed. The condition isContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 22, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Sleeplessness. Night sweats. Anxiety. Irritability. Aches and pains. Would smoking a little pot help women deal with these common symptoms of menopause? A good number of middle-aged women apparently think so, because they’ve been turning to marijuana to help handle the change ofContinue Reading

MONDAY, Sept. 20, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Millions of U.S. sleep apnea patients are scrambling to find ways to protect their nightly slumber, following a voluntary recall from one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of CPAP breathing machines. Philips Respironics agreed to a voluntary recall of continuous positive airway pressureContinue Reading

FRIDAY, Aug. 27, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Despite all of the criticism of online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, new research suggests there was a silver lining: more shut-eye for middle and high school students. “Without the required transportation time or time required to get ready for school in theContinue Reading

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 18, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A recall of more than a dozen types of Philips breathing machines because of potential cancer risks has millions of Americans struggling to find replacements to deal with sleep disorders, breathing problems and respiratory emergencies. The recall involves certain Respironics BiPAP (bi-level positiveContinue Reading