Stressed-Out Men May Prefer Heavier Women
Study suggests evolution could explain why males are programmed this wayContinue Reading
Study suggests evolution could explain why males are programmed this wayContinue Reading
Study suggests pupil dilation points to sexual orientation when viewing erotic imageryContinue Reading
Study of mice found the virus ‘hitches a ride’ on immune system’s T cells to reach remote locationsContinue Reading
As obesity rises, males encounter sexual dysfunction more often, research showsContinue Reading
Small study of married couples found both sexes openly affectionateContinue Reading
Finding lends support to current guidelines combining tests among women over 30Continue Reading
Researcher suspects caffeinated cocktails play a role in campus ‘hook-up culture’Continue Reading
Many taking insulin report problems achieving orgasm, study findsContinue Reading
Blacks, younger patients least likely to have ongoing careContinue Reading
But whether procedure or continued medication is responsible remains unclearContinue Reading
Strategy could help battle ‘reservoir’ of germs, but research is in early stagesContinue Reading
Find out which screening, tests, counseling should be part of office visitContinue Reading
But overall, U.S. teens of all racial, ethnic groups as sexually active as a decade agoContinue Reading
New guidelines reflect the improvements in antiretroviral therapy over last 25 yearsContinue Reading
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