Petroleum Jelly Tied to Vaginal Infection Risk in Study
Use of such products doubled odds of bacterial vaginosis, researchers findContinue Reading
Use of such products doubled odds of bacterial vaginosis, researchers findContinue Reading
Study found 48 percent higher chance of heart troubleContinue Reading
More studies needed to see if it’s really a breakthough in fight against AIDSContinue Reading
Study suggests lack of hidden agenda allows exchange of honest relationship adviceContinue Reading
Transmission is common if the vaccine wound is not covered, expert saysContinue Reading
Study author suggests that stress, discrimination might play a roleContinue Reading
Australian study found type of delivery, age of woman made a differenceContinue Reading
Osphena taken for 12 weeks found safe, effective in reducing discomfortContinue Reading
Chronic fretting linked to rise in stress hormones, lowered immune response in studyContinue Reading
Now it’s time to involve partner countries in maintaining gains, Institute of Medicine saysContinue Reading
And half of new infections each year are among young people, CDC saysContinue Reading
Finding the level of emotional intimacy that’s right for both partners is most important, study findsContinue Reading
Being there for your partner every day more important than gifts or flowers, study findsContinue Reading
Antidepressants linked to improved immune response in older patients, researchers sayContinue Reading
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