Gay Men More Likely to Have Had Cancer
Study can’t say whether homosexual males are more prone to develop malignancies than heterosexualsContinue Reading
Study can’t say whether homosexual males are more prone to develop malignancies than heterosexualsContinue Reading
Those who mingled the most showed the least cognitive decline, researchers reportContinue Reading
Makers of preparations claiming to prevent, treat sexually transmitted infections warned by FDA, FTCContinue Reading
20 years after double mastectomy, 97% say they would make same decisionContinue Reading
People stray because of confidence, not gender, researchers sayContinue Reading
Healthy behaviors reduced diabetes, heart disease in couples with one HIV-infected partnerContinue Reading
With survival improved, researchers now look at long-term complicationsContinue Reading
Technique is non-invasive, effective, researchers claimContinue Reading
Poorer adherence to multi-drug regimens could be to blame, experts sayContinue Reading
Findings suggest that debate on when to begin treatment is still ongoingContinue Reading
Study finds marked benefit from student groups and anti-bullying policies in schoolsContinue Reading
Female partners can cause psychological trauma to the men they abuse, researchers sayContinue Reading
Finding confirms suspicions experts have had for yearsContinue Reading
Dosing options may help reduce cervical cancer rates in developing countries, study suggestsContinue Reading
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