Children Exposed to HIV Before Birth at Risk for Language Delay
Researchers recommend routine screening for communication problemsContinue Reading
Researchers recommend routine screening for communication problemsContinue Reading
Condom use, circumcision lowered risk of sexually infecting partners in study of African couplesContinue Reading
Stress, anxiety may increase heart attack risk in the weeks after a loved one’s deathContinue Reading
Doctors urged to use caution in treating HIV/AIDS patients who experience seizuresContinue Reading
Doctors should stress limits of protection to patients, researcher saysContinue Reading
Only partially effective against one type of virus, ineffective against second type, study foundContinue Reading
Desire not main motivation for women sexually active in their 60s, 70s and 80sContinue Reading
Study found heavy drinking by one partner predicted it in the otherContinue Reading
Skeletal evidence indicates the disease was nonexistent in Europe before his historic sail, study saysContinue Reading
Soldiers found lasting comfort, solace and a shield against PTSD from such personal notesContinue Reading
Two-thirds of cohabitating couples said they worried about fallout from a legal splitContinue Reading
But it’s unclear why some men find new relationships and others don’t, researchers sayContinue Reading
To combat AIDS-causing virusContinue Reading
But trial of DHEA’s effects was small and much more research is needed, expert saysContinue Reading
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