World’s Senior Population Forecast to Boom by 2050
Public health challenges will mount with 1.6 billion people worldwide age 65 or older, study suggestsContinue Reading
Public health challenges will mount with 1.6 billion people worldwide age 65 or older, study suggestsContinue Reading
Researchers think diminishing mental capacities might be behind drop in computer useContinue Reading
The regimen seemed to provide a slight benefit, researchers sayContinue Reading
Limit their choices and distractions and always keep safety uppermost, expert advisesContinue Reading
Key is to get the nutrient from foods rather than a supplement, researchers sayContinue Reading
Physically active seniors stayed mentally sharper than their sedentary peersContinue Reading
Physically active seniors stayed mentally sharper than their sedentary peersContinue Reading
Researchers say patients should tell doctors every treatment they’re takingContinue Reading
Study suggests conservative care may be suitable option for some patients over 80Continue Reading
Trend a reversal from the 1980s, researchers sayContinue Reading
Trend a reversal from the 1980s, researchers sayContinue Reading
Study found seniors who met more heart-healthy goals showed less decline in thinking skillsContinue Reading
Study found seniors who met more heart-healthy goals showed less decline in thinking skillsContinue Reading
Fitness is key, researchers say, and education can also helpContinue Reading
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